How to Use Apostrophes
Learning how to use apostrophes is something we all do at the age of eight… and then promptly forget! Here’s a helpful reminder of something you learnt several years ago…!
Learning how to use apostrophes is something we all do at the age of eight… and then promptly forget! Here’s a helpful reminder of something you learnt several years ago…!
Using flashcards is often the number one revision method. Sadly, though, very people actually know how to use them to optimise grade-boosting. Here’s the ultimate solution to how to use flashcards – you’ll never look back!
Essays forms a fundamental part of many exams, but are often poorly (and minimally!) taught. Here are my top 7 essay writing tips to transform your essays and hugely inflate your grades.
The comma splice is every teacher and examiner’s pet peeve, yet very few students actually know what it is. Here’s how to avoid it – and improve your essays immeasurably as a consequence!
Knowing how to structure a paragraph is a key part of your GCSEs and A levels, from English to History and more! With my essay-writing top tip, your structure will improve dramatically (and your grades!).
Knowing how to write an essay is THE key part of exams after Year 7, especially English and humanities. This detailed breakdown of essay structure will save your time and your grades!