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How to Use Apostrophes
Learning how to use apostrophes is something we all do at the age of eight… and then promptly forget! Here’s a helpful reminder of something you learnt several years ago…!
How to Analyse Alliteration
Knowing how to analyse alliteration can be very tricky – what on Earth is a plosive, and how on Earth does it make something powerful? Well, worry no longer: here’s the solution!
How to Talk About Poem Structure
Ever wondered how to talk about poem structure? Like what’s a caesura, and how on earth do you pronounce enjambment? Well, worry no longer – here’s the ultimate guide to writing about poetic structure!
How to Analyse a Poem
Learning how to analyse a poem is a long and tricky road, but it’s compulsory for English exams. Not to worry, though: here’s the ultimate solution to simple poetry analysis!
7 Revision Tips Which Will Revolutionise Your Studying
Revising for exams can at times feel impossible. Fear not, though – with these seven incredible revision tips, your study will feel so much easier!
How to Use Flashcards to Immeasurably Boost Your Grades: 5 Top Tips
Using flashcards is often the number one revision method. Sadly, though, very people actually know how to use them to optimise grade-boosting. Here’s the ultimate solution to how to use flashcards – you’ll never look back!
7 Essay Writing Tips Your Teacher Forgot to Tell You
Essays forms a fundamental part of many exams, but are often poorly (and minimally!) taught. Here are my top 7 essay writing tips to transform your essays and hugely inflate your grades.
The Comma Splice: Every Teacher’s Pet Peeve
The comma splice is every teacher and examiner’s pet peeve, yet very few students actually know what it is. Here’s how to avoid it – and improve your essays immeasurably as a consequence!
How to Structure a Paragraph
Knowing how to structure a paragraph is a key part of your GCSEs and A levels, from English to History and more! With my essay-writing top tip, your structure will improve dramatically (and your grades!).